TUTorial of Left 4 Duluth
How to Install This Mod
Place the left4duluth.vpk file into your Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\addons directory and double click the file. A prompt will appear once the addon is installed, click OK and enjoy.
Development System Hardware: CPU: Intel Core2 Duo - 3.0GHz Memory: 4GB RAM GPU: ATI Radeon 4500 series OS: Windows 7
L4D2 Settings: Options -> Video -> Advanced Settings Anti-Aliasing Mode: 4x MSAA Filtering Mode: Anisotropic 4x Wait for vertical sync: Enabled (Double Buffered) Shader Detail: Very High Effect Detail: Medium Model/Texture Detail: High Multicore Rendering: Enabled* Page Pool Memory Available: High
Recommended System Hardware (Yord's Dev Machine): CPU: Intel Core i7 3820 - 3.6GHz Memory: 16GB RAM GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7800 series - 4GB RAM OS: Windows 7
L4D2 Settings: Options -> Video -> Advanced Settings Anti-Aliasing Mode: 4x MSAA Filtering Mode: Anisotropic 8x Wait for vertical sync: Enabled (Double Buffered) Shader Detail: Very High Effect Detail: High Model/Texture Detail: High Multicore Rendering: Enabled* Page Pool Memory Available: High
*enable if you have a multicore CPU, disable for a single core CPU